Monday, November 30, 2009

Girl Guide Cookies

I happened to see these Girl Guide Cookies selling in a hotel during last Christmas and I bought the chocolate mint cookies just to try them out (they were recommended). Since I finished that 1 box, I had been having cookie withdrawal syndrome! When I 'discovered' the Girl Guides selling the cookies again somewhere near where I am staying, I was so happy! Cookie heaven!

Trust me, the chocolate mint ones are truly not to be missed. And that's coming from someone who doesn't really enjoy chocolate mints. I gave a box of them to another friend who is a chocolate and cookie fan and she also said they were delicious! By the way, she doesn't take chocolate mint too but I only realised that much later. :P

Oh, I am not going to tell you where they are selling. Figure it out youself. You know what they say, the food tastes much better after you worked for it! Hahaha!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Object of desire - item 5,926

Dear Santa,

I haven't been really good this year but if it's all the same to you, I would like to have this Gucci's smoky quartz cocktail ring. Pretty pleaseeeeeee?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A moon in the day sky

It was a rare and strange sight (at least for me) to see the moon so clearly in the afternoon sky. What more when the sky was in such a glorious shade of blue today! I had to stop and stare with every few steps I took. :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Some day I will send you a letter to say 'I am sorry.' Not because I feel that I was wrong. But because I can't stand this taciturnity any more. Until then, I guess we would just have to endure this deafening silence.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Another day, another death.

Prologue: You know you are getting old when the only times you get to catch up with your friends are at weddings and funerals.

The dad of another friend of mine passed away last Saturday. Even though we drifted apart after leaving school, we were close then. Doing projects, leaving classes early, shopping and 'cheonging' together, granted that the last 3 probably weren't very scholarly actions. I attended the wake on Monday and somehow I felt really sad (like at the previous wake). Not that you are not supposed to be sad at funerals but it is not as if I knew her dad personally. What I did know is that she is extremely close to her family (just as my other friend is), especially to her dad.

I, on the other hand, am not close to my family members. Most of the time, they wouldn't know where, what or how the hell I am. I came to the conclusion that the sadness I felt is mainly for myself cos I will never experience the same kind of pain that my friends were/are feeling.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


It took them so long to realised what I already knew long ago? I guess there's no telling who's the smarter one eh? :)

Sunday, November 8, 2009


This is dedicated to a good friend of mine whose dad passed away last week.

Remember to tell the person you love 'I am sorry' for every fight you had.
Remember to tell the person you love 'I love you' for every day that passed.

Remember to tell the person you love before it's too late.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wat the ??!?!?!

I opened my lingerie drawer and I saw something black zipped past into the corner of the drawer. At first I thought it was my eyes playing tricks on me cos it was kinda dim in the room. But I had the sneaking suspicion to be safe than sorry, so I did a little poking around in the drawer just to make sure it was not what I thought it was. Well, what can I say? Buy 4D also not so lucky! KNS!

It was really a ROACH!

So the story goes, I am standing there naked (I just showered what! What do u expect?) thinking what I should do next. I had to get rid of it, I can't just let the stupid thing run amok around my bras and undies! I quickly grabbed an underwear and some clothes, got dressed and took out the whole drawer to the kitchen. It was one of the more traumatising 2 minutes of my life. All the while I was hoping the damn thing doesn't crawl up my hands! I would have probably dropped the whole drawer on my toes if it really had done that. Bleh!

Anyways, the good news is I killed it. Bad news is I have to wash all my lingerie again. Which means that in the meantime, I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!

I am also thinking of washing all the clothes in the chest of drawers cos I am feeling so uncomfortable and itchy even as I am typing this post. But IF I do that, it will seriously mean that I will have ABSOLUTELY nothing to wear!

Someone please tell me what to do?!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


I love looking at clouds, who doesn't? Took these photos some time ago when the skies were blue and cloudy. It just all looks like puffy, fluffy, cottony balls, right? Make a guess which is my favourite photo. :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I lurk, around.

Oh yeah, I am lurking around online. It's just that I am too lazy to blog and there is nothing worthy to blog of. So explains the emptiness for the past month or so.

Someone please tell me what to blog about! *pui*

AH! I have pics to post but they are in my desktop not my lappie (which I am using now). *pui pui*

Health updates:

Remember my intensely excruciating backache? It's gone! More or less. I finally couldn't take it anymore so I went to this highly recommended sinseh (Chinese physician) in Chinatown. Turns out my spine from head to tail is extremely crooked, hence pressing on all the wrong acupuncture points causing me to have all sorts of problems besides the backache. I shan't go into them least you think I am some dying, old woman. Ha.

'You must have had some kind of fall or hurt youself badly on your back. It's atrocious! I'll never seen someone whose spine is so badly crooked!' He proclaimed loudly after examining me.

'No leh, never. Not that I can remember.' I insisted.

Of cos, after going home, I did remember. I fell down the stairs while I was mopping them when I was in my early 20s. Come on, give me a break, that's almost 10 years ago, of cos I can't recall the incident off hand. Anyway, back to the accident, I slipped and fell down the flight of stairs hurting my lower back very, very badly. Tears streamed down involuntarily and I couldn't move for a good 10 minutes. And conincidentally, no one was at home so no one came to my help. The good news is, after that, besides the big bruise, I didn't feel any discomfort (the backache only occurred these past 2 years), which explains why I didn't remember the fall in the first place.

'Cannot be one! Sure have! Ask your mother.' And that was the end of that discussion.

The miraculous part is I only went for 2 treatments so far and almost all of the pain is gone! I can move and stretch and twist with minimal or no pain. The best part is there was no smelly herbs or hot cups or needles involved! I am terribly scared of needles. All the sinseh did was just to move his hands over my spine, stopping at certain points to apply pressure. I think he used magic!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Unhappily depressed

I really do try. I do. Every morning, I wake up with the thought 'It's going to be a great day!', but by noon that particular thought has totally dissipated. Collapsed like a house of cards if you will.
And every thing else in the day goes completely downhill.

It is not as if I am unfamiliar with the concept of 'unhappiness', I used to be happily depressed. Yes, you heard me correctly, happily depressed. There is such a thing as happily depressed. But the key words here are 'used to'.

I also used to live by the advocate that happiness is in one's own hands, literally. You know, you control your own fate, your destiny, ya-da, ya-da.... NOT anymore! That has more or less been flushed down the toilet bowl, if you catch the drift. I really do not know why people around me just have to aggravate me. Do I have the sticker 'sucker' or 'piss me' pasted on my forehead?? Sometimes I really start to wonder.

I have not felt a spark of happiness for maybe the past 2 - 3 weeks. And to top it all off, I almost burnt down the house on Thursday night. I left the stove on while I went to bed. By the time it was discovered at 6 am, the whole pot was charred and the whole house stank!

I think I am the epitome of bad luck.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Object of desire - item 5,715

Been in a lousy mood for the past 2 weeks. But if someone gave me this, I will definitely feel better, if only for a while. Presenting, Gucci's latest fall winter collection.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

I'll go with Darkness!

I'm back! Okie, okie, quit complaining. I was just catching up on some reading. 'What reading?' you ask? A series of Russian science-fiction, fantasy books written by Sergey Lukyanenko. Ha! Of course not! I dun know Russian (spoken or written). I do books in English. Hahaahaa..

There are 4 books in the Watches series; Night Watch, Day Watch, Twilight Watch and Last Watch. What are they about you ask? Go Google, Wiki or Yahoo! yourself, dun be laaaazy! Hahaha. Okie, I'll be nice and give you a gist of it. It's basically about a group of people that exists in the world called Others. They are able to draw and control magical powers for the cause of good and evil. There is also a dimension that exists called Twilight where the Others can enter. I'm not going to say more. But trust me, the books are really cool! I haven't been so enthralled by a writer since probably Tolkien or Rowling (though the last 2 books were getting a tad bit draggy).

I was reading the first 3 books and now sorely missing the last one. The English version was supposed to be released early this year but I seriously doubt the libraries have it. I'll marry the first guy who presents me with The Last Watch! Nah, just kidding. You will need a 1 carat diamond ring at least. Hahahaha...

So now that you know what I had been busy with, WHAT have you been busy with? :)

In other news, an angel and a king died on the same day, June 25th 2009, too much of a coincidence?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bike parking by idiots!

I saw this today and realise that I am surrounded by idiots! Stupidity just gets on my nerves.... grrrr....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Eh, wat??!

I saw this prominently displayed at Watson's some time ago. AND, I just had to take a picture of it! Yeah, I am really this 'boh liao'.

If you happen to see a gal taking weird pictures in stores, it just might be me. I love doing that. :)

On a totally unrelated note, here are some pussies.... HAHAHA!

Monday, May 25, 2009

The void

You know how it is when the feelings come in waves, surging, relentless, pounding again and again. Disappointment, resentment, indignation, discontentment, embitterment, frustration, anger, fury.

Then it comes to a point when you are so tired of it all.
When the only thing you want to do is to escape from all of it.
"Run." They whispered.
"Leave." They called softly.
"Fly!" They urged.
You close your eyes and hear them.
You imagine them welcoming you with open arms.
All you want to do is to give in to their temptations.
Tantalizing, beautiful, seductive things.

All you want is to feel nothing. Even if it means giving up feeling happy.

Monday, May 18, 2009

It's my birthday!

Yeah, that's right. :)

Friday, May 15, 2009

The photographer

From behind my lens, I noticed your pursed lips.
From behind my lens, I caught the twinkle in your eyes.
From behind my lens, I saw your coy smile.
From behind my lens, I watched your every nuance.
But not once did you regard me, from behind my lens.

Footnote: Actually I had this written a long time ago but it was just sitting in my word document. :P

Thursday, May 7, 2009

In other news, my birthday is just around the corner. Not that I am stressing about it. Nah, I don't feel a thing about getting older (unlike some women). I'm cynical, to me it's just a step closer towards death. Bleh. Talk about HAPPY birthdays. Haha.

And oh I can't even find a nice new Gucci bag to buy so I guess I have to settle for this.

Gucci's newest perfume. Present anyone? :)

Coach launched their newest range of bags and I just love this new one! But I have too many gold bags so I had to force myself to give this a miss... 'Sad' just doesn't even cut it!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Wrong number

I wanted to make a call to a friend today but I dialled the wrong number.  Yes, I am one of those few endangered ones who still key in the phone number manually if it's a number that I deem important enough for me to remember (meaning: good friend).  Hey, cut me a break, I have not called her in ages so I keyed one of the numbers wrongly. 

Luckily, I realised my mistake after the third ring (friend's name did not show up on the handphone).  So I ended the called before the other party had a chance to pick up.  You know how it's like, u get a missed call from a strange number and then u call back only to have the other party say "Sorry ah, wrong number leh."  Irritating right?

So being the kind soul that I am, I sent an sms to the 'wrong number' with the following message: "Sorry, I called the wrong number. :)", thinking that after seeing the sms, the other party would not have to call back.  

Boy, was I wrong.  Two minutes later, I got a call from 'wrong number'.  Immediately, my first thought was to press the 'reject' button but I realised that it would be quite rude.  So, I did the inevitable, I answered the call.  

Wrong number:  "Hello, who's that?"

Me:  "Sorry, I pressed the wrong number just now."

Wrong number did not give up, continues with line of questioning.

Wrong number:  "Who's that please?"

Me:  "I called wrongly just now.  Sorry"

Wrong number:  "Who are u?"


Me:  "Wrong number lar!"

Wrong number: "Oh."

'Wrong number' must have thought I was some mysterious gal trying to play a prank on him.  Oh, did I forgot to mention 'wrong number' was a cute (sounding) guy?  :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Something bad happened today (okie, technically yesterday). Sigh. Seriously not happy right now. :(

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Another atypical conversation

Was out having my said lunch with Friend on Friday and below was what transpired between the two of us. Friend was having some financial concerns, with the downturn and all the uncertainity, so i offered a suggestion (as usual).

Me: Go sell backside! I be your mamasan!

Me: I am very cheap, i charge only 20% commission!

Friend opens her eyes wide and gasped.

Fren: Wat??! I am the one doing all the work and u take 20% for nothing???

Me: Wat for NOTHING?? I get u clients okie! Not an easy job, okie. And i dun find u those cheapo clients, i find u those willing to pay alot.

Fren: Oh that's true. U got direct benefits.

Me: Ahbeden?? U think i so stupid? Find 1 client 1k versus find 10 $100 ones. Of cos take the 1k one rite?? Waste my time isit?! Save time can make more money rite?

Fren: WHO IN THE HELL WANS TO PAY 1K FOR A FUCK??!? Probably some loser who is extremely fat and ugly and can't find any gal to sleep with! Like a certain Mr Lim (I can't say who here cos i dun wanna kanna sued!).

Me: Aiyah, nevermind then. Just put paper bag over his face! The draw '$1000' on the paper bag! Hahahahaa...

Fren: I think i rather put paper bag over my own face cos cover his face still can see the body!

And she proceeds to stick out her tongue in disgust.

Me: Wat if i can find u one who is not fat and ugly but very handsome?

Fren: Then he's probably a psycho who will tie you up, whip and torture you! U mean u dun mind?

Me: I rather take the fat one over the psycho any day.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

A typical conversation (or did i mean an ATYPICAL coversation)

Last week, I was having an sms conversation with a friend and went like this:

Me: It's confirmed, i can finally meet u on fri for lunch! :)

Fren: Yippy! It's been a long time..... :(

Me: Yah. Yesterday i was just thinking it's been almost 4 mths since we met up. It's the longest we haven't seen each other rite? :(

Fren: U made it sound like we're lovers! *kiss*

Me: Haha! We are! *smooch*

Fren: OMG!!! :P

Me: Emotional lovers lar. I think we understand each other better than guys do us. Just that we can't have sex with each other! Haha! Haha!

Fren: Gross! But i have to agree with u. :/

You probably gathered by now that 'friend' is a female. :P

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A perfect world

In a perfect world, we can do whatever we desire
There would be no responsibilities

In a perfect world, we can go wherever we yearn
There would be no boundaries

In a perfect world, we can say whatever we feel
There would be no repercussions

In a perfect world, we can think however we want
There would be no worries

In a perfect world, it will just be you and me
There would be no distractions

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


“Make it two, and quick,” he muttered. And under his breath, he added without conviction, “She’ll be here in a minute.”

Not that the bartender cared, really. His concern was to tend to the drinks, not the emotions.

He shifted again on the stool, watching the droplets form on the glass as the ice melted.

The seconds passed and so did the minutes. People came and people went. Still she did not arrive. Still he waited. And waited.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Death is not escapism, death is the only solution.

"All these pain will only make you stronger," he promised.

Little did he know 'pain' was no longer on her mind, at least not now, 'death' was.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Thousand Ways

A deliberate slit, a crimson river.
A soaring phoenix, a single purpose.
A hundred candies, a stifled laughter.
A smokey dancefloor, a dreamless slumber.
A thousand ways to reach one end.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


As you probably noticed by now, i haven't been posting much... On the other hand though, i have been twittering quite often. I only have inspiration for one-liners. You can't really blog based on one-liner inspirations, can you? Wait a minute, i suppose you can, but you would probably irritate your readers to hell. Haha.

I took this picture some time ago and really wanted to post it.. But just been too lazy. :P It's a store called 'The Remote Control House' (in a shopping mall!) and it sells nothing but remote controls! Gosh, i mean.. SERIOUSLY! The question remains. How many remotes must they sell each day to break even?! Haha.