Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Object of desire - item 4,376

Breathe gal, breathe....
Anyone one of the above will do... need i mention my birthday's coming? :)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Who turned off the airconditioning?!

Wat's with this weather? It's been so freaking warm and humid.. I HATE IT. I can't even think straight. I feel my brains (or watever that's left in my skull) rapidly melting away. It's too hot to think, let alone do anything.

Firstly, i can't MSN.
A typical conversation goes something like this:
Fren says: how are u?
Me says: HOT!
Fren says: yeah....
Then, complete silence as we both rot in the heat. Yeah, no kidding.

Secondly, i can't blog. Can't make the effort to compose my withering tots....

Excuse me, while i go and collect in a pool of myself. :P

Friday, April 25, 2008

Object of desire - item 4,103

I dun know why, but i suddenly feel the urge to rush out and get a pair of garter belt and stockings! Eeeh, dun ask me why and what for. :P

Please, oh please, dun let me walk past any lingerie shops.... argh!

Pictures courtesy of Victoria's Secret.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Is it true?

I was just going through my old magazines (yes, i was that free) when i came across an interesting article in Simply Her, titled 'Tame His Libido'. What caught my attention was the following paragraph below:

"Notice how he comes home from a jog or tennis game in a fantastic mood? That's because exercise causes a rise in adrenaline levels and endorphin production. These feel-good hormones don't just make him feel like Superman, they also increase arousal and orgasm intensity, the effect of which lasts about an hour or more with just 10 minutes of activity."

And i wondered, is that true?! So u mean men feel more frisky after exercising? I thought they will feel tired and sleepy? Men out there who are reading this blog, kindly let me know. Hahaha....

Oh yah, the article forgets to mention, what if he loses his tennis game? Wouldn't it more likely that his mood will be bad than be interested in sex? Hmmmm....

Monday, April 21, 2008

Not amused.

This afternoon as i was happily sitting at home, minding my own biz, guess what happened? I got stalked by a stupid, idiotic, spasticated BIRD! To be specific, it was a mynah. Silly, dumb, i-have-to-kill-it (not that i really would) bird! What takes the cake was that it (said mynah) wasn't just contented with harassing me once.... it had to do it twice! Aaaaaaaargh!

So, the day was really hot and i opened all the windows in the house and even left the main door opened. I was in the bedroom for a while doing something and then i went into the kitchen to get a drink. When i wanted to turn and go out, i realised it (THE mynah) had been hopping behind me! I attempted to shoo it away, thinking that birds usually would fly out the nearest window (don't they normally do that??!). So i stomped my feet and made some loud noises BUT it just looked at me with the most incredulous look, as if to say 'hey, don't be silly, i am not frighten by you!'. Then it hopped even closer to me! Okie, i know i said i am not scared of anything but roaches.... but, but, but... have you ever met a bird who was not to be frighten off?? I have never. :P

Anyways, i realised that i had no where to go but into the toilet which i did and promptly closed the door. i thought it would have flown off by now cos beside the toilet was wide, opened windows. No such luck! I pushed the toilet door slightly ajar to peep outside and guess what i saw? There at the crack was that silly mynah peeping right back at me! I swear! It's true... it was doing this slightly cocked head thing and face to one side with one eyeball staring straight back at me. If that is not called peeping, i don't know what else it's called. I tried to spray some water through the crack and banged loudly on the door, hoping it would be frighten off. Well, that's the best i could come up with given the fact that i was kept captive in my own toilet by a silly bird! Again, no such luck, it wasn't even the least bit impressed with what i could come up with, and even tried to push its way in through the crack! In the end, i stayed in the toilet for at least a good 10 minutes. Of cos, i got out in the end, how else would i be sitting here blogging about this then?

I got (read: ran) out when i saw that it was no longer guarding at the door (thinking with glee that it finally flew out), what i didn't realised at that time was it was still happily hanging around in my house. I got to the safety of my living room and looked at the kitchen carefully to confirm that it's really gone but saw something hopping around my bin instead. The Mynah. :(

All i can say is this was one very determined bird. Very determined to stay in my house that is.

To cut a long story short. I called for help and my saviour came, caught the bird with his hands (cos no amount of chasing seemed to move him) and threw it out of the windows.
Round 1: Mynah 0, BCFUM 1.

Of cos, you would be thinking, no way in hell that it's going to fly up almost 10 floors and find the same unit again. Wrong.

20 minutes later, i saw it hopped in, with an air of arrogance (as if to say 'hey, i remembered how to come back!'), from the main door as if it owns the place! (So that's where it came in from.) I ran towards it and tried to shoo it out of the door but it just flew in over my head. Aaaargh! Then it flew into my bedroom and proceeded to make its claim on MY bed! Nooooooooooooooooooo..... Of cos, i called for help again and out of the window it went again.
Round 2: Mynah 0, BCFUM 2.

Sure, i got smart after the second time, i went and closed the door and all the windows. So thanks to a stalker bird, i got to spend the rest of the day in a self-made sauna. Thanks for nothing Mynah!

I hope i don't have to see YOU again tomorrow. :(

Sunday, April 13, 2008


I just received my credit card bills for last month and realised that i spent almost $400 on 'paints'! Nah, not the artistic painting kind of paints... i am never an artistic kinda person (and dun tell me anything about abstract art, i can turn the picture upside down and right-to-left, stare at it for 3 days and never ever see anything). It's cosmetics i'm talking about. I got 2 new lipsticks, 1 blusher and 1 finishing powder. Yes, i know, those dun cost me $400 (unless they are made of gold)! The rest of the money goes to 4 bottles of whitening skincare. Yeah, i love to 'bleach' myself. Gals should look milky and fair rite?

My galfren's comment when she heard how much i spent and wat i bought was 'Why do u need so much ICI??' :P It's a skill for a gal to apply all the ICI paints and still look au naturel.

I can't wait to test them out.. Now, who wants to date me? :)