Monday, November 30, 2009

Girl Guide Cookies

I happened to see these Girl Guide Cookies selling in a hotel during last Christmas and I bought the chocolate mint cookies just to try them out (they were recommended). Since I finished that 1 box, I had been having cookie withdrawal syndrome! When I 'discovered' the Girl Guides selling the cookies again somewhere near where I am staying, I was so happy! Cookie heaven!

Trust me, the chocolate mint ones are truly not to be missed. And that's coming from someone who doesn't really enjoy chocolate mints. I gave a box of them to another friend who is a chocolate and cookie fan and she also said they were delicious! By the way, she doesn't take chocolate mint too but I only realised that much later. :P

Oh, I am not going to tell you where they are selling. Figure it out youself. You know what they say, the food tastes much better after you worked for it! Hahaha!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Object of desire - item 5,926

Dear Santa,

I haven't been really good this year but if it's all the same to you, I would like to have this Gucci's smoky quartz cocktail ring. Pretty pleaseeeeeee?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A moon in the day sky

It was a rare and strange sight (at least for me) to see the moon so clearly in the afternoon sky. What more when the sky was in such a glorious shade of blue today! I had to stop and stare with every few steps I took. :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Some day I will send you a letter to say 'I am sorry.' Not because I feel that I was wrong. But because I can't stand this taciturnity any more. Until then, I guess we would just have to endure this deafening silence.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Another day, another death.

Prologue: You know you are getting old when the only times you get to catch up with your friends are at weddings and funerals.

The dad of another friend of mine passed away last Saturday. Even though we drifted apart after leaving school, we were close then. Doing projects, leaving classes early, shopping and 'cheonging' together, granted that the last 3 probably weren't very scholarly actions. I attended the wake on Monday and somehow I felt really sad (like at the previous wake). Not that you are not supposed to be sad at funerals but it is not as if I knew her dad personally. What I did know is that she is extremely close to her family (just as my other friend is), especially to her dad.

I, on the other hand, am not close to my family members. Most of the time, they wouldn't know where, what or how the hell I am. I came to the conclusion that the sadness I felt is mainly for myself cos I will never experience the same kind of pain that my friends were/are feeling.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


It took them so long to realised what I already knew long ago? I guess there's no telling who's the smarter one eh? :)

Sunday, November 8, 2009


This is dedicated to a good friend of mine whose dad passed away last week.

Remember to tell the person you love 'I am sorry' for every fight you had.
Remember to tell the person you love 'I love you' for every day that passed.

Remember to tell the person you love before it's too late.