Sunday, September 13, 2009


I love looking at clouds, who doesn't? Took these photos some time ago when the skies were blue and cloudy. It just all looks like puffy, fluffy, cottony balls, right? Make a guess which is my favourite photo. :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I lurk, around.

Oh yeah, I am lurking around online. It's just that I am too lazy to blog and there is nothing worthy to blog of. So explains the emptiness for the past month or so.

Someone please tell me what to blog about! *pui*

AH! I have pics to post but they are in my desktop not my lappie (which I am using now). *pui pui*

Health updates:

Remember my intensely excruciating backache? It's gone! More or less. I finally couldn't take it anymore so I went to this highly recommended sinseh (Chinese physician) in Chinatown. Turns out my spine from head to tail is extremely crooked, hence pressing on all the wrong acupuncture points causing me to have all sorts of problems besides the backache. I shan't go into them least you think I am some dying, old woman. Ha.

'You must have had some kind of fall or hurt youself badly on your back. It's atrocious! I'll never seen someone whose spine is so badly crooked!' He proclaimed loudly after examining me.

'No leh, never. Not that I can remember.' I insisted.

Of cos, after going home, I did remember. I fell down the stairs while I was mopping them when I was in my early 20s. Come on, give me a break, that's almost 10 years ago, of cos I can't recall the incident off hand. Anyway, back to the accident, I slipped and fell down the flight of stairs hurting my lower back very, very badly. Tears streamed down involuntarily and I couldn't move for a good 10 minutes. And conincidentally, no one was at home so no one came to my help. The good news is, after that, besides the big bruise, I didn't feel any discomfort (the backache only occurred these past 2 years), which explains why I didn't remember the fall in the first place.

'Cannot be one! Sure have! Ask your mother.' And that was the end of that discussion.

The miraculous part is I only went for 2 treatments so far and almost all of the pain is gone! I can move and stretch and twist with minimal or no pain. The best part is there was no smelly herbs or hot cups or needles involved! I am terribly scared of needles. All the sinseh did was just to move his hands over my spine, stopping at certain points to apply pressure. I think he used magic!