Saturday, August 4, 2007

Complaints, complaints, complaints

I wonder why the people in my neighbourhood just have nothing better to do cept complain?!!?

3 weeks ago, i received a letter from HBD stating that someone complained about knocking noises in the night. The letter then proceeded to say that if the noise doesn't stop, actions will be taken against the offender, etc, etc.... Anyways, the letter was not addressed to me, it was one of those genetric letters attentioned to 'the occupants'. So i din bother (i wasn't the one banging anyways). But being the kapo i was, i called the officer handling the issue to 'chit-chat'. Guess wat i found out? The knocking happens around 8-9pm (gee, it's not even after midnite, wat's the big hoo haa?) and someone on the 4th level is the person who complained. Hehe. Okie, so this was the 1st.

Then, this week, i received another letter from our ever efficient HDB. This time is was attention to our unit and names. The letter states that someone complained about one; dirty water dripping from our laundry, two; rubbish like ciggarette butts been thrown from our unit. I was like WAT THE HELL????!!!! Firstly, i dun hang dripping wet clothes outside. I have a washer that spins dry and a dryer that dries (okie, that din come out very rite, did it? heehe). And i am not so inconsiderate like some others, if i need to handwash something, i make sure it's dripped dry in the toilet before hanging it outside. Secondly, I DUN SMOKE!!!! Where the f did the ciggarette butts come from??! So they mean i buy the ciggrattes, watch them burn to the ends, just to throw them out of my window? LAME. Also, i have bins in my house (unlike some poor souls who dun even have money to buy bins), i throw MY rubbish into MY bins in MY house. Talking about finding rubbish in the house, i haven't even complained that i have been finding clumps of hair beside the windows lately, obviously flown in from outside! And there they are, complaining about me! GRRRRRR.

So, i came to the conclusion that my neighbours are TOO DAMN FREE!

I need to shift house.... :(

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