Saturday, June 16, 2007

I have no life.. none watsoever... zlich

Gosh, it's a Friday nite (ok, make it Saturday morning, u anal people!) and guess wat your's truly here is doing? Yah.. blogging, DUHZ!

Wat do normal people do on a freaking Fri nite? Catch a midnite show with a zillion other people? Go dance themselves silly in a disco? Gorge themselves with supper at Newton? The usual stuff i guess. Wat DO Singaporeans do on a Fri nite? Someone told me in the afternoon he's going for a 'nite mountainbiking jungle romp', how's that for interesting? Ok, definitely NOT something i would do.. but then again... it's something different rite? :P

U know wat i wouldn't mind? SHOPPING!!!! Everyone all together now... 'YEEEEEEEEEAH!' Why do shopping centres have to close at 9pm? Isn't there a more sane time to close? Like, never? Hahahaha...

The damn cat below my block has more life (not to mention sex) than me! Grrrr.... Now if i could just get it to shut the f up... Hahaha...

Yup, this post has absolutely no point to it.. cept that i just wanna say.... I HAVE NO LIFE! :(

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